
Thursday, December 12, 2013


Jesse moth miller Smoked Some Spice, and as He swear It, Beat the Sh*t Outta His Baby Daughter In phoenix azimuth on Oct 16, 2012 Jess moth miller severally abused his nipper. The level states that miller was watching the child and it was only the two of them in the house. He left the little girl in calculate of the TV while he went to the bathroom to smoke spice. moth miller came covert and sat on the couch and suddenly he was non longer in a set state of mind. He said, He went to hell. Before he had realized what he had done she was already beaten pretty badly. Miller called 911 and the scotchs mother and told them what had happen. The results from the beating was a bruised face, swollen of the blither and had to be take into ICU because of the bleeding on her brain. Miller confessed the police what had happen and now has a bond of $45,000. Children atomic number 18 protected from the many policies according the challenge occurred in. States receive ma ss of their funding for programs from the Child Abuse cake and Treatment Act. This act federal spending to states that prevention, assessment, investigation, prosecution, and treatment activities and to a fault provides grants to public agencies and noncommercial organizations for demonstration programs and projects.
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therefrom there are amendments that state that the giving medication has to provide funding for the states to cooperate protect the kids. Then all(prenominal) state has many organizations that are funded for child abuse much(prenominal) as DSS. I feel there is a neediness of policies for child ab use and because of that more children are be! ing abused. This genus Phallus was more focused on Miller than the state of the child. A Social Worker will need to step in and look more into it such as the background of the dwelling house and records of the father. The bond is only set to $45,000 therefore it is easily measure up to be paid and the child needs protection from her father. As a social worker the protection of the child is your chief(prenominal) focus. Therefore they would need to talk to the mother about...If you want to protrude a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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