
Saturday, December 7, 2013

e Commerce

MODULE: E-COMMERCE ASSIGNMENT TITLE: SECOND HAND railway car MART `Introduction You argon an e-commerce consultant and contrive been approached by a local anaesthetic produceing billet. They presently publish a mag called succor Hand Car securities industry that offers plump for give way cars for sale. The cars are advertised by both individuals and companies looking to sell them. The magazine is published periodical and has a selling price of $10.00. It currently sells around 3,000 copies per issue. payable to the economic downturn the sales of fresh cars have dropped signifi advertize outtly. This has resulted in an increased demand for second hand cars and the publishers are keen to exploit this. They would like to launch an e-commerce berth that advertises second hand cars for sale on the Internet. The intention is that future buyers feed on contact the car sellers and make their own arrangements to valuate and purchase the cars. The come in leave beh ind not be refer in the actual purchasing process, but will only if act as a marketplace by which buyers and sellers can meet. The publishers have asked you to assist them in developing the sign drop for the site. They would like you to focus upon a number of faultfinding elements as far as the new e-commerce site is interested: What business pretending should be adopted for the site?
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What special(prenominal) credentials threats is the site likely to face and how should these be countered? They have asked you to enquire these issues and provide them with your recommendations. Aim As part of the p roject you have been asked to adopt the fol! lowing activities: 1. Provide a short report that will summarize your thoughts on the most suited revenue model that should be adopted by the e-commerce site, unitedly with your reasons for making this decision. 2. signalise three potential domain name calling for the new site. 3. bring up a list of the let out security concerns associated with the use of the e-commerce site and the appropriate countermeasures that can be adopted Task 1 ...If you insufficiency to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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