
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Loss Prevention Program

RFID as a Loss Prevention SystemIt is imperative in whole infirmarys that the location and /or inventory of its staff , delicacy , equipment , and other physical pointednesss be tracked at every last(predicate) times . Any time , hospital must be able to locate for example a particular medicine or equipment because in hospitals , the can be a think of life and death . This is why , having a loss public house clay in hospitals is very important . It is essential that this ashes be updated at real time and easy be for the staff to use it . It is also important that the process of track and locating the items be suitable for the working conditions of the hospitalThe solution for this is implementing an RFID (Radio living frequency Identification ) loss prevention throughout the hospital . RFID is a new identification te chnology similar to the barcode . further , it has trenchant advantages over the barcode systemOne of the benefits of RFID includes seriesized data .
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This means that each item mark with RFID can have its own individual serial bit Other benefit includes reduced human hitch , higher(prenominal) throughput supply chains , real time information spring , and increased item security (Sweeney , 2005 , 12An article in relief Week talks about Boeing implementing RFID in its manufacturing plant . During the basic six months , with an implementation cost of 16 ,000 , Boeing saved 29 ,000 on labor alone (Business Week 2005 ) This showed that even though RFID is! an expensive system compared to barcodes its value comes in the savings you...If you requisite to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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