
Saturday, December 7, 2013


Wayne Memorial High School phalanx JROTC Battalion packaging national Guide (25 August 2007) Although this study guide result be utilise on all promotion and plebe identity cards, it is intended as a guide for you to implement to gain and retain commonplace cadet knowledge. It is not to be thrown aside when your board is complete. Unit 1, Chapter 1 CITIZENSHIP IN ACTION Lesson 1: Army JROTC: The make of a punter Citizen What is the mission of JROTC? To motivate young quite a piffling to be better citizens What is a cadet? A senior high take aim school student who is enrolled in JROTC What does the acronym permit stand for? leading Education and Training Lesson 2: The noncurrent and Purpose of Army JROTC The ROTC plan officially began with the passage of what exemplify by Congress? The national Defense Act What was the early school in the United States to go military studies with timed classes? American Litera ry, Scientific and Military academy at Norwich, Vermont When was JROTC establish? 1916 State the purpose of Army JROTC. To originate high school students for responsible leadership roles while fashioning them aware of the benefits of citizenship. Lesson 3: Moving Up in Army JROTC (Rank and Structure) Which cadet turn out array consists of iii diamonds? cadet Col peerlessl Which cadet discover consists of two diamonds?
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cadet Lieutenant Col geniusl Which cadet rank consists of one diamond? plebe Major Which cadet rank consists of one-third disks? cadet Captain Which cadet ra nk consists of two disks? plebe Lieutenant ! Which cadet rank consists of one disk? Cadet Second Lieutenant Which cadet rank consists of trio chevrons, triosome arcs, and a wreath surrounding an shoot? Cadet domination Sergeant Major Which cadet rank consists of three chevrons, three arcs, and a star? Cadet Sergeant Major Which cadet rank consists of three chevrons, three arcs, and a diamond? Cadet First Sergeant Which cadet rank consists of three chevrons and three arcs? Cadet...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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