
Monday, December 9, 2013

Psy/270 Clinical Assessment

Other information that I would like to learn wide awake the family during the interview is round Claras birth parents and the spring she was disposed up for acceptation. I would also unavoidableness to recognize the explanation of the successor parents as well as all new-fashioned changes within the hearth during the past few months. Was Clara showered with gifts when she start-off came into the adoptive home? If so did this stop recently, which could have lead to the tantrums? Does Clara know that she is adopted, if so how does she smell about that? Was Clara put up for adoption or was she remove from the home? Additional questions that I would nurture would be about her teacher and classmates at school. Has Claras teacher voiced any concerns about her behavior? Has Clara verbalized wherefore she no overnight exigencys to go to school? Is there a particular answer that caused her to not want to go any longer? Did she get a new teacher? Any changes in her surround at school could be a reason why Clara has shut down and no longer wants to in accepted school. Other considerations that I may waste into consideration in designing an effective intervention for this family is finding out what triggers her tantrums and Claras behavior before and after her tantrums to those individuals who are around her when they take place.
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In axis I, I would enter that Clara would receive a mood disorder. Axis II, dependant personality disorder because a doctor may feel that Clara has shown symptoms of dependant behavior. The remaining axes would be figured out as they go along install off of what they have received from! axis I and II. I do feel that diagnosing Clara would be helpful to her and her family. I feel that Clara is experiencing some type of withdrawal from everything and everyone. Something has either happened to her or she has some emotions going on inside of her that she is not incontestable how to adequately express them to others. Talking about what is going on may seem like it is hurting her at initial but I believe in the long run...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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