
Sunday, December 15, 2013


spain Introduction When you cross the mountains that divide France from Spain you step into another world. atomic number 63 ends at the Pyrenees, and the land beyondthe mountains has a character and personality that are strikingly different. The sun beats down mercilessly on a country that is beautiful. -Napoleon tarradiddle The Civil War in the late 1930s brought General Franco to power as dictator. He dominate the country until he died in 1975. Spain became a democracy by and by the death. Until the mid 1900s, Spain was one of the most undeveloped countries in Europe. Spain by and large contained small, unsuccessful, farms because of the dry soil.
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During the 50s and 60s, Spain took on a speedy stage of frugal development and is now an industrial nation. forthwith more large number work in edifice and manufacturing than on farms. Basic Timeline History of Spain 1000s BC 400s BC 200s BC 400s AD 711-18 1000s 1479 1492 1512 1556-98 1588 1808 1808-14 1810-25 1898 1931 1936-39 1950s...If you want to score a full essay, graze it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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