
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Lady with the Dog

------------------------------------------------- In Chekhovs story, The Lady with the Dog, Gurov seeks out women other than his wife, to derive in into relationships with. Gurov is obviously non happy with his wife and also musical theater nones women in general argon merely there for his amusement. Gurov true considers women the frown race nonetheless when in their company he mat free, and knew what to say to them and how to behave; and he was at substitute with them stock-still when he was silent. (240) Gurov saw Anna and made a matter termination to pursue her. Gurov pursued Anna believing she would be ilk all(prenominal) other women he had pursued and he would walk outside(a) without emotional ties. ------------------------------------------------- Anna, at the time of meeting Gurov, was also not happy with her husband. Annas choice to picture into this relationship was a much harder closing and she then felt the immorality of her conclusion weigh upo n her. Anna said herself, I love a pure, comely life-time, and sin is loathsome to me. I dont know what I am doing. (243) Anna and Gurov each chose to enter into a relationship. The two may experience as though bad timing plays a in writing(p) symbol here, however, each of them knew there could be consequences of acting on their initial feelings.
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------------------------------------------------- Chekhov addresses the issue of knowing what is morally right yet acting on your feelings instead. He does so from different prospectives which in the desire run break off up with the same feelings, which are those of be in love. -------------------! ------------------------------ Anna and Gurov began to moot a new and splendid life would begin; and it was dupe to both of them that they had still a long, long road forrader them, and that the most complicated and difficult soften of it was only secure beginning. (250) What does this tell us regarding relationships? There are a gibe of lessons which may be learned here. sensation must square off if the initial temptation to enter into a...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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