
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Computer Attacks

COMPUTER ATTACKS &type A; ABUSE HACKING * Unauthorized access, modification, or habit of a device/some element of a computer system. * approximately peoners break into systems using known flaws in direct systems/appication programs,/as a result of poor access controls. * Ex: Russian hackers broke into Citi bounds system & steal $ 10 mil from customer acc. BOTNET * Short for robot networh, is a communicate of bureauful & dangerous hijacked computers. * HIJACKING - Gaining control of a computer to carry out illicit activities without the users knowledge. * BOT HERDERS - Install software program that responds to the hackers electronic dictation manual onto unwitting PCs. It delivered in variety of ways, including trojans, e-mails. * ZOMBIES Bot herders use the combine power of the hijacked computer. * Used to perform DENIAL-OF-SERVICE(DOS) ATTACK, designed to make resourcefulness inaccessible to its users. * Ex of DoS: It shut down 3000 wind vanesites for 40 hrs onone of the busiest shop weekends of yr. SPAMMING * e-mailing/texting an unsolicited message to many people at the equivalent time, a great deal in an move to sell something. * Major displace from bonets.
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* Annoying & expensive * Scan the internet for addresses posted on9, hack into company databases & steal/buy mailing lists. * as well period dictionary attacks which called direct harvesting attacks. * Use additional software to guess addresses at company & invest unfilled email messages. * Blog(short for w eb log): web site containing on9 journals/co! mmmentary. * Hackers raise splogs(combination of netmail & blog) wt links to websites they own to increase their Google PageRank, which is how often a web page is referenced by otherwise web pages. * Splogs are annoying, waste valuable disk topographic acme & bandwidth & pollute search engine results. SPOOFING * arriere pensee an electronic communication look as if it comes from a bank official source to lure the recipient into...If you want to ask a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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