
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Women In Business

Women in Business Term Paper By: Farwa Liaqat minute: G To Sir Shariq Introduction: This line paper revolves around Women in the Business world. Since personal credit line has a vast definition, so the content will be base on womens rights as employees, constraints faced by women in business enterprise and the overall obstacles women have a bun in the oven to face when work./doing business. along with the rights of women, issues faced by them on fooling bases at work, resembling discrimination on sex, appearance will as well be discussed in detail. Objective: The reason why I chose this stem is because recently the trends have changed, even in Pakistan. functional women have increased and quite a lot of them admit businesses as well. Since I believe in Women empowerment, this topic grabbed my attention. It was more of low density to know what exactly happens in the business world with the women. The primary(pr enominal) objective of working on this paper was to personally collide with knowledge and also in form others almost the laws regarding rights of working women and the issues faced by them. Being aware was the important direct of working on this topic. Methodology: It strictly adheres to the wakeless tinct on women, and legal rights of women working.
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Rights of women employees will be give tongue to with quotation to the International labor Organization. The issues, however, will be discussed largely with references and articles. chief(prenominal) tool is secondary research. Statistics show that wome n are starting businesses at more than twice! the score of male-majority-owned businesses. The growing success footstep of women entrepreneurs shows that they are resourceful, and able to succeed, despite the odds. However, they still face challenges in force(p) because of the fact that they are women. Problems faced in business: edgy of the basic problems a highlighted by various research studies undertaken by women entrepreneurs is: * deficiency of information * Lack of Micro Financing Schemes * Lack of Skill...If you hope to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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