
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Sustainability Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Sustainability - engagement ExampleWood is a natural resource which toilette exist freely or by the influence of human activities. In Italy, there is a greater increasing demand for woodwind, which has seen the resource be sort for from other countries. Basically, wood is uptaked in Italy for various purposes including electrical power generation, co-fire with coal, and heating in homes, commercial enterprises and institution. This project is aimed at ensuring that wood becomes a sustainable resource in Italy through best and ethical uses and business practices. It will besides look at some of the corporate social responsibilities that the businesses and companies of Italy can involve in, in-order to make wood a sustainable resource for the future generations. The project will also touch on the effects of wood to the environment and how such can be controlled to enable the doing of a sustainable wood condition in Italy.Wood is a natural resource that grows naturally, scarce can also be domesticated. Wood grows to make a forest, where the forest is now formed by a group of wood. The natural resource is used for various purposes including the use as fuel as well as the use as a building material, electricity generation, heating up populate and so many other uses. In Italy, wood has always been used for such purposes as mentioned above. The use of wood has been seen to be on a higher increase, beginning from the traditional uses of wood in Italy. Traditionally, wood was used to make furniture, construct structures such as houses and to make sculptors (Bob, 2011 pg. 1-4). During this period, there were a lot of trees that would pass on the particular types of wood that were needed for such purposes. People never used to scramble for the resource collectable to its sufficient availability and occurrence in the land. Considering that the population was not so high and there was plenty of

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