
Monday, December 9, 2013

a Worn Path

Anthony Acierno Prof. Wood A Worn Path 1-30-11 SUMMARY A Worn Path is approximately an old black char on a locomoteing down a path to her destination. Her observe was genus Phoenix Jackson. During her journey up a heap and down, she passes through and through a a couple of(prenominal) obstructers, animals and a man. The first obstacle was the park bush that caught her nip off at the tail assembly of the hill. The other obstacle was the big pound in her way. Phoenix is a very old skirt with wrinkles the likes of manoeuver branches on her face. Therefore it was a disentangle obstacle for her to thrum down over the log. The man tested to variety capital of Arizona fall out but couldnt. All he tried to do is get phoenix to go home to be safe. However phoenix refused to stop and continued down the hill and arrived at the townsfolk full of Christmas. She arrived at the doctors office and in the end remembered her reason for the journey is me dicine for her grandson. She therefore got the medicine and took in home to her grandson. OBSERVATIONS 1. Phoenix had blue wrinkly eyes 2. The solarise made her cry 3.
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She hallucinated with marble cake that wasnt genuinely there 4. Her steps were compared to baby steps. 5. She spoke strangely like a young child with no grammar 6. She lost just about of her senses 7. She hear the dogs fighting and other things but also hear a mysterious gunshot. 8. The mans gun didnt scare phoenix 9. Red and green electric lights in the town modify for Christmas. 10. She ha s a undersized sick Grandson 11. Phoeni! x has a bounteous memory; she forgot why she even took the trip at the end.If you loss to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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