
Monday, December 9, 2013


Character profile: ------------------------------------------------- Desdemona Family background: ------------------------------------------------- Desdemona is the daughter (only child) of Barbantio, who is a termination of the Venetian Senate. She is Othellos wife and she married him secretly What is this cite dictate about different people? ------------------------------------------------- Desdemona always sees the outstrip in people. She tries to look at a persons good qualities, and talk about the best qualities of that person. For example, she fell in get by with Othello because she felt pity for him and how his life was high-risk to go through. She never mentions a disadvantage of Othello. What do other people evidence about this character? ------------------------------------------------- Her husband Othello says she is brave, mediocre and bonny. Cassio, Othellos condition lieutenant says she is respectful. Iago, her husbands national flag says that shes beautiful but also says that she is lustful because in this play Iago says to Roderigo that Desdemona leave get bored of Othello and move on to someone younger, so shes just trying to put through her desires. Roderigo, Iagos so called friend, is deeply in love with Desdemona placing her on a pedestal.
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Quotations: ------------------------------------------------- Othello- O, my mediocre warrior (II.1.175) ------------------------------------------------- The significance of this quote is that Othello is saying to Desdemona that she is his fair warrior. So in other words, she is beautiful and brav e. She is willing to insure over the grati! ng seas to support and show loyalty to her husband. ------------------------------------------------- Barbantio- A maid, so tender, fair, and cheerful (I.2.66) ------------------------------------------------- The significance of this quote is that Barbantio, Desdemonas set out is telling the duke that she is so young and happy and fair. There is no way she would espouse the Moor...If you want to get a mount essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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