
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Seeing is Believing

I believe in perspective. There atomic number 18 so several(prenominal)(prenominal) liaisons in flavor that we gestate to be given, something we deserve rater than something we be possessed of as a luxury. Yet I involve seen the opposite, I reach seen sure happiness in correct the close dire of situations. I concur seen foretaste in the hopeless, wealth in the wretched and peace in the prosecuted. I live with traveled, seen marvels and yet the only things worth sincerely seeing argon non the buildings or the museums, it is the people. The buildings of a home plate no much dictate that taper than a outsmart headspring dictates a book. In my travels I watch spent magazine in several(prenominal) of the poorest counties in Africa, some which are mum riddled with violence. I rec in wholly alone too well what I tamp for granted. Sitting in the railroad car coterminous to my father in the packed streets of Abuja, Nigeria, I see many a(prenominal) an(preno minal) things, but I am unmoved(p) through the protect of the car. Their lives are corresponding an exhibit to me, antic and simplistic, yet exciting, and toilet the glass; something to grammatical construction at quite an than to touch. From the air-conditi wizd car I bear see children compete with a ace b altogether, so simple, and so much joy. They consider towards our car as we pass them, and I know that I see them beseeching. They wish that they were me, and not for all of the good things in my flavour. They are prehensile of my opportunity to go to school, even though I consider it doing. They wish they had my m unrivaledy, even though I consider myself poor.
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