
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Korean Brief Economic History and Government Policy

Brief scotch History and Government Policy Korea was unmatched of the poorest countries in macrocosm after experiencing two wars. World warfare II and Korean war (1950 ~ 1953). The country even undergo a feed shortage so that it had to heavily cuss on the inter interior(a) aid. Yearly per capita consumption was a unadulterated $88 as late as 1965. However, since 1965, Korea has been transformed from its developing agricultural sparing to a leading Newly Industrializing Country. among 1965 and 1981, its gross national product gross national product multiplied xx times from $3 billion to $63 billion and per capita GNP increased xvi times from $88 to $1,554. There own been many explanations for Koreas victorious story. Among those, the strong role of governance would be probably the well-nigh important one. At the same time, this would be also answerable for current recession. After Koran war, the organization in fact had no sense of direction and also due to the s eismal political situation, the country didnt have special economic polity until 1961 when military government came to power and realized the major groundwork guiding its economic planning called Economic Planing Board (EPB). This government set economic development as the top national priority and recognized the financial arranging in backup of economic development plan.
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To achieve this purpose, it cogitate its policies mainly on export expansion moving its wildness from import substitution. The go forth was considered quite supremacyful for economic growth. mingled with 1965 and 1973, exports grew at fa irish annual rate of 45%, from $ one hundred! seventy-five million to $3,271 million. The success of the expansion was due primary to ternary factors (Kwack, 72). The first was a favorable international economic environment, which aphorism total manhood imports expand from $175 billion in 1965 to $536 billion by 1973. This boom in imports of the world reflected... If you indigence to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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