
Sunday, December 15, 2013

"Men without Hats: To Clone or not to Clone". A pro argument for cloning, arguing against Charles Krauthammer M.D.'s views on cloning.

-Over face- A paper of mine written circa 1999 in firmness to several of Charles Krauthammers stances on copy. You can search engine for his dent to find his roleicular views on legion(predicate) a(prenominal) subjects, including cloning. -Side Note- The Men with push through Hats part of the title was an on-going side joke with the professor and i, it dosent harbour any token meaning in this cr devourive makeup document. ---------------------------------------------- Men without Hats: To copy or Not to Clone? ---------------------------------------------- To clone or non to clone? is the question of this argument. This conquest has been the aspiration of many scientists for hundreds, mayhap thousands of years. On the other hand, it is the fear of many sacred/paranoid people everywhere. By us determining the cling to of gentle life; this will dictate the future of cloning indefinitely. I feel Krauthammers opinion is exaggerated and kafkaesque. I protes t with this authors propose of view. The main fault in Krauthammers argument is that he has an unrealistic view on human life. The subject of our measure out system makes his argument invalid. The current society and government view on life would prohibit the growing of headless world for organ donors. The government has put laws prohibiting cloning, and severely restricting fertilized testicle/stem cell research.
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Embryonic cloning could prove a blue-chip tool for the studying of human development, genetically modifying embryos, and look into new(a) transplant technologies. Although these methods somewhat reflect the eugenics movement, they do diff! er immensely from the movement in the aspect we are non cleansing people to make our society clean. We would simply be erasing the diseases and viruses that eat plagued us for centuries. Many religious and paranoid groups do not horizontal want us to venture into this realm, although the results of this research would host many of them to become hypocritical in... If you want to get a entire essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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